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Bio-Wash - Hydrocarbon Waste Digestant

A unique blend of bacteria specifically designed to degrade a variety of petroleum products including fuel oils, crude oil, coal tar, gasoline and diesel oil.

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Designed specifically for petroleum contaminated wastewater, car and truck washes, marine bilges or oil reclamation pits. Degrades the oil; reducing odors and reducing sludge volume.

Effective Against:

  • Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
  • Motor Oil and Crude Oil
  • Fuel Oils and Coal Tar
  • Free Shipping on orders over $100 !

For Car and Truck Washes:

It is recommended to clean the recycled water tank in order to remove as much biofilm as possible and start with fresh water. Regular use of BIO WASH will keep the entire wash facility smelling clean and fresh.

Technical Specs